God is Good

When a new day breaks, a new hope springs in the heart. No matter how dark the night has been, let the rising of the sun remind us that God is Good all the time.

Be Strong

Be strong.
Never tell yourself "I am tired."
The more you accept that thought,
The more exhausted you'll become.
But if you tell yourself
"I can do even more with God's grace"
You will find that there are not limits
to what you can accomplish.

Apache Blessing

May the sun bring a new energy by day. May the moon softly restore you by night. May the rain wash away your worries. May the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.

Sure Foundation

He will be the sure foundation on your times; a rich store of wisdom, knowledge and salvation. The fear of the Lord is the key to these treasure. - Isaiah 33:6

God's Promise

We may have struggles with God's timing and mystery of His will in our lives but His promise stands: "HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME."

Delight in the Lord

God operates on a perfectly designed timeline. He knows what you need and when to provide it.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

A Friend

The perfect friend exist only in dreams. But in real life we should learn to appreciate the one that comes along... someone not perfect.... but REAL.

Panic and Peace

When trouble overtakes you, let God take over. Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace, Trust God to move your mountain, but keep on climbing.

A New Start

Never use your failure yesterday as an excuse for not trying again today. We may not be able to undo the wrong or reverse the consequences, but we can always make a new start. Let us rejoice this God-given day!

Little Things

If you leave something wonderful with those who come to your life, they will find it hard to erase you from their hearts.... Little things matter most!

Beauty and Grace

Beauty is a mask that fades with stress and time, but grace is a gift that grows as we continue to live daily with GOD's love in your hearts.

Gift For You

There are times when prayer is the only GIFT we can give to people we care for, so I do pray to GOD to take care of you every moment of your life.

You Deserve A Lot

Always ASK God to give you what you DESERVE
Not what you DESIRE.

It's because ....

Your DESIRES may be FEW but you DESERVE A LOT!

Walk with Faith

"The best way to walk each day is not walking with new shoes, but walking with Jesus....

Walk not only by feet but walk with Faith."

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